Terms of Use

Welcome to BZZI!

These Terms of Use govern your use of BZZI and provide information about the BZZI Service, outlined below. When you create an BZZI account or use BZZI, you agree to these terms. These Terms of Use constitute an agreement between you and BZZI.

The BZZI Service

We agree to provide you with the BZZI Service. The Service includes all of the BZZI products, features, applications, services, technologies, and software that we provide to advance BZZI's mission: To help service businesses to grow and prosper. The Service is made up of the following aspects (the Service):

  • Offering opportunities to showcase, promote and advance your business

    If you are a business owner, we want to strengthen your business brand by bringing you to the attention of your customers and helping new customers find you. So we build systems that make it easier for you to create attractive content that customers will like.

  • Making it easier to find a service

    If you are a customer, we want to make it easier for you to discover, locate and engage with the services you need. Our search engine uses geographic information, including information about users and registered businesses, to provide location-specific content to users.

  • Fostering a positive, inclusive, and safe environment

    We develop and use tools and offer resources to our community members that help to make their experiences positive and inclusive, including when we think they might need help. We also have teams and systems that work to combat abuse and violations of our Terms and policies, as well as harmful and deceptive behavior. We use all the information we have-including your information-to try to keep our platform secure. Learn more in the Data Policy.

  • Developing and using technologies that help us consistently serve our growing community

    Organizing and analyzing information for our growing community is central to our Service. A big part of our Service is creating and using cutting-edge technologies that help us personalize, protect, and improve our Service on an large scale for a broad global community.

  • Ensuring a stable global infrastructure for our Service

    To provide our global Service, we must store and transfer data across our systems around the world, including outside of your country of residence.

  • Research and innovation

    We use the information we have to study our Service and collaborate with others on research to make our Service better and contribute to the well-being of our community.

The Data Policy

Providing our Service requires collecting and using your information. The Data Policy explains how we collect, use, and share information across the BZZI Products. It also explains how you can control your information. You must agree to the Data Policy to use BZZI.

Your Commitments

In return for our commitment to provide the Service, we require you to make the following commitments to us.

Who Can Use BZZI

We want our Service to be as open and inclusive as possible, but we also want it to be safe, secure, and in accordance with the law. So, we need you to commit to a few restrictions in order to be part of the BZZI community.

  • You must be at least 13 years old or the minimum legal age in your country to use BZZI.

  • You must not be prohibited from receiving any aspect of our Service under applicable laws or engaging in payments related Services if you are on an applicable denied party listing.

  • We must not have previously disabled your account for violation of law or any of our policies.

  • You must not be a convicted sex offender.

How You Can't Use BZZI

Providing a safe and open Service for a broad community requires that we all do our part.

  • You can't impersonate others or provide inaccurate information.

  • You don't have to disclose your identity on BZZI, but you must provide us with accurate and up to date information (including registration information). Also, you may not impersonate someone you aren't, and you can't create an account for someone else unless you have their express permission.

  • You can't do anything unlawful, misleading, or fraudulent or for an illegal or unauthorized purpose.

  • You can't violate (or help or encourage others to violate) these Terms or our policies. You can't do anything to interfere with or impair the intended operation of the Service.

  • You can't attempt to create accounts or access or collect information in unauthorized ways. This includes creating accounts or collecting information in an automated way without our express permission.

  • You can't attempt to buy, sell, or transfer any aspect of your account (including your username) or solicit, collect, or use login credentials or badges of other users.

  • You can't post private or confidential information or do anything that violates someone else's rights, including intellectual property.

  • You can't use a domain name or URL in your username without our prior written consent.

Prohibited content

You can't use the BZZI platform to promote illegal or offensive activities, products or services, including:

  • Adult services, including by posting sexually suggestive or sexually explicit material, nudity, implied nudity, content that alludes to sexual activity, excessive visible skin, or images focused on individual body parts.
  • Illegal drugs
  • Prescription drugs, unless you are a registered medical business
  • Alcohol
  • Gambling and related activities
  • Weapons, ammunition, and explosives
  • Illegal activities
  • Activities that harm the environment
  • Cruelty, including cruelty to animals
  • Discriminatory activities, which are activities that discriminate or encourage discrimination against people based on personal attributes such as race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, disability, medical or genetic condition
  • Activities that infringe on the rights of others, including their intellectual property rights and copyrights.

Where BZZI promotions and content are broadcast through other social media platforms, such as Facebook, those platforms may impose their own additional or more stringent content restrictions.

Permissions You Give to Us

As part of our agreement, you also give us permissions that we need to provide the Service.

  • We do not claim ownership of your content, but you grant us a license to use it.

    Nothing is changing about your rights in your content. We do not claim ownership of your content that you post on or through the Service. Instead, when you share, post, or upload content that is covered by intellectual property rights (like photos or videos) on or in connection with our Service, you hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content (consistent with your privacy and application settings). You can end this license anytime by deleting your content or account. However, content will continue to appear if you shared it with others and they have not deleted it. To learn more about how we use information, and how to control or delete your content, review the Data Policy.

  • Permission to use your username, profile picture, and information about your relationships and actions on our platform.

    You give us permission to show your username, profile picture, and information about your actions or relationships in connection with content that you engage with through the BZZI platform, without any compensation to you.

  • You agree that we can download and install updates to the Service on your device.

Additional Rights We Retain

  • If you select a username or similar identifier for your account, we may change it if we believe it is appropriate or necessary (for example, if it infringes someone's intellectual property or impersonates another user).

  • If you use content covered by intellectual property rights that we have and make available in our Service (for example, images, designs, videos, or sounds we provide that you add to content you create or share), we retain all rights to our content (but not yours).

  • You can only use our intellectual property and trademarks or similar marks with our prior written permission.

  • You must obtain written permission from us or under an open source license to modify, create derivative works of, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract source code from us.

Content Removal and Disabling or Terminating Your Account

  • We can remove any content or information you share on the Service if we believe that it violates these Terms of Use, our policies, or we are permitted or required to do so by law. We can refuse to provide or stop providing all or part of the Service to you (including terminating or disabling your account) immediately to protect our community or services, or if you create risk or legal exposure for us, violate these Terms of Use or our policies, if you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights, or where we are permitted or required to do so by law. If we take action to disable or terminate your account, we will notify you where appropriate.

  • Content you delete may persist for a limited period of time in backup copies and will still be visible where others have shared it. This paragraph, and the section below called "Our Agreement and What Happens if We Disagree," will still apply even after your account is terminated or deleted.

Our Agreement and What Happens if We Disagree

Our Agreement

  • If you use certain additional features or related services, additional terms will be made available and will also become a part of our agreement. For example, if you use payment features, you will be asked to agree to the Community Payment Terms. If any of those terms conflict with this agreement, those other terms will govern.

  • If any aspect of this agreement is unenforceable, the rest will remain in effect.

  • Any amendment or waiver to our agreement must be in writing and signed by us. If we fail to enforce any aspect of this agreement, it will not be a waiver.

  • We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you.

Who Has Rights Under this Agreement

  • This agreement does not give rights to any third parties.

  • You cannot transfer your rights or obligations under this agreement without our consent.

  • Our rights and obligations can be assigned to others. For example, this could occur if our ownership changes (as in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets) or by law.

Who Is Responsible if Something Happens


  • We also don’t control what people and others do or say, and we aren’t responsible for their (or your) actions or conduct (whether online or offline) or content (including unlawful or objectionable content). We also aren’t responsible for services and features offered by other people or companies, even if you access them through our Service.

  • Our responsibility for anything that happens on the Service (also called "liability") is limited as much as the law will allow. If there is an issue with our Service, we can't know what all the possible impacts might be. You agree that we won't be responsible ("liable") for any lost profits, revenues, information, or data, or consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or incidental damages arising out of or related to these Terms, even if we know they are possible. This includes when we delete your content, information, or account.

How We Will Handle Disputes

If you are a consumer, the laws of the country in which you reside will apply to any claim, cause of action, or dispute you have against us that arises out of or relates to these Terms ("claim"), and you may resolve your claim in any competent court in that country that has jurisdiction over the claim.

Unsolicited Material

We always appreciate feedback or other suggestions, but may use them without any restrictions or obligation to compensate you for them, and are under no obligation to keep them confidential.

Updating These Terms

We may change our Service and policies, and we may need to make changes to these Terms so that they accurately reflect our Service and policies. Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you (for example, through our Service) before we make changes to these Terms and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Terms. If you do not want to agree to these or any updated Terms, you can delete your account.

Date of Last Revision: May 3, 2020